Open Wide
These days when it seems not eye to eye we much see
I believe there’s something about which we can agree
And that’s on the one professional we least like to see
with any - if at all – regularity.
With those twice-a-year cleanings, I always comply,
But I’m not going to sit here and to your face lie.
No, the love of the drill is not a thing I can fake
Oh, to have just brushed and flossed more
and eaten less chocolate cake.
I lose my nerve as down the canal the files go
Like a gondolier, just more excruciatingly slow.
In claiming as mine a real gold crown
I would need to rob the biggest bank in town.
I’m bracing for the day when Sissy’s teeth are straight
And praying Junior’s can avoid a similar fate
Otherwise, it’s back to hours working overtime late.
I’d rather not become indentured to
anyone or anything
Yet, those implants are such a
chunk of cha-ching
to get them means pawning
my very best bling!
Maybe I’ll solve the problem by making
my teeth, oh so white
that I mesmerize deer as
I drive home at night.
Always for you,
M.A. Hastings
Poetry Backstories
In light of last Friday’s White House ambush and Tuesday night’s longer than most feature films and certainly just as fictional address to Congress, I thought perhaps something with a bit of levity was due. So I wrote “Open Wide” in celebration of National Dentist Day today, just for you.
If you enjoyed my poem today and want to make a one-time donation, you can Buy Me a Coffee. In doing so, you will be supporting my efforts to provide my Substack writing in the real voice of Glad Klassen to those persons who are blind or visually impaired. It also works for those of us who are sighted but prefer poetry that is not read in an AI-generated voice.
Thank you!
M.A. Hastings
Love it! Very funny and I’m in complete agreement. I have had more than 1 crown and 1 implant. I told Stan dental care cost us more than medical care.